Building Up Lives Helps Homeless and Victims of Domestic Violence

Betty Nunez
Building up Lives

"Julie Stewart is the founder. She grew up in domestic violence left her home and became homeless at age 15. She then married in to the same situation and was divorced in 2015. In 2018 she was on her feet on and made a vow to herself to help others get out of Domestic Violence. She now has helped 100s of people, with connecting them to proper channels.

"Because of her efforts she has helped over 800 families get off being homeless. She now runs a food bank in which I have volunteered for as well. Her food pantry started right out of her garage in to a building. We count on donations when we hand out the food to pay for the buildings rent. Which is normally never enough. No profit is made. Building up lives does not only help with domestic violence, court issues, housing, food.

"But with all aspects of Building Up Lives one at a time. Currently I connected her with a young homeless woman who is working full time and going to college while being homeless. Julie actually has invited her to live at her home. I work full time but, have taken vacation days just to volunteer. How can I say 'no?' We can all do our part."