Spring, It's Here
It took a few minutes of intense blinking and head shaking for my coworkers here at the Gorilla office to recalibrate and regain their vision. Some continued to complain throughout the day of lingering spots in their peripheral vision, but it was worth it.
Yesterday I wore shorts. The notion occurred to me on my way home the afternoon prior. A wall of orange blossom scent slammed into my little hatchback and seeped in through my car's ventilation system. I rolled down my window and let the wafting aroma guide me to a side street downtown where I parked.
There, clustered together as if holding court stood these massive gods of flora towering above me. Dark green leaves served as the undercoat to a blanketed swarm of buttery-white blossoms that appeared to emit a glow of particulate. I was immediately struck dumb with awe, and within two minutes struck dumber with allergies. Clutching my nasal bridge, I scurried back to the recycled air flow of my car and fled home.

Nonetheless, spring is here. And with the seed of seasonal possibilities planted in my mind, accompanied with a night's time to allow for germination (fertilized lightly with a bucket of Benadryl ®) I awoke the next morning blooming with the possibilities of spring... and shorts. Again, I apologize.

This time of year has our customer service reps busy putting together presentations of ideas to, among other groups, academic institutions looking to promote their spring break festivities for their students. The emphasis of the promotional product world turns from the internal to the external, fireside lap blankets become picnic blankets, and hooded sweatshirts and jackets become tees and tank tops.
Take a cue from these classic themes of spring (rebirth, renewal, growth, emergence from dormancy, skyrocketing pollen count, etc.) and gear your next marketing campaign toward a built-in seasonal theme that everyone can relate to. Picnic-ing, for example, is a time-honored wholesome act beloved by everyone who isn't a parks janitorial serviceperson.
There's a wide range of gifts and picnic-themed promotional handouts no matter where your campaign falls within the budget spectrum. Flying discs with an imprint of your company or organization's logo can be combined with a simple tumbler and utensil pack to make a low-cost outdoorsy kit.
In the same field, a more "executive" option at the other end of that spectrum, consider the high perceived value of a modern picnic basket replete with place settings, drink ware, and utensils - and on the front in a glossy epoxy dome, your brand's logo.

Picnic baskets, blankets, and flying discs are, of course, just bobbing along the surface of the seasonal promotional well. For help raising more options from the depths below, feel free to contact one of our Gorilla Marketing customer service representatives.