Custom Tangle Free Zipper Earbuds
Do you often find your earbuds or headphones in a tangled mess? I can not stand it when I find my earbuds in a tangled knotted mess. I have tried many earbuds that say they are made of tangle free material but nothing even comes close to the design of the zipper cord on the custom zipper earbuds.
I have never seen any earbuds like the custom zipper buds. These earphones are unique because the cord is made of a flexible zipper. This unique zipper feature keeps them tangle free because they are made just like a traditional zipper. All you do is unzip them to use and then when you are done you simply zip them up to store them.
I absolutely love that custom zipper earbuds never tangle and stay in place while in use so you never have to worry about tangled cords. They are able to stay tangle free while in use because you can zip them up right into place. The zipper cord design that lets you decide where to zip or unzip the cord so you can have the perfect fit no matter what. They also stay tangle free while moving or working out which is truly amazing. The best part is that they even stay tangle free while being stored because of the brilliant zipper design. Just zip them up and they are ready for next time. They even fit in your pocket so they are easily accessible and always on hand. You never have to waste time untangling them.
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Blue Zipper Earbuds[/caption]
Along with the great zipper design is the fabulous option to customize the zipper pulls. From a standard shape or pull to a completely customized or fully logoed zipper pull you will be amazed at how the custom zipper pulls will really make your earbuds stand out from the rest. The zipper cords are available in a variety of colors and the zipper pulls can be either PVC or full color metal.
So if you're looking for unique customizable and tangle free earbudsthen these are the perfect choice. I've never seen zipper earbuds before and the zipper really works to keep them tangle free. You will never have to worry about reaching into your bag and pulling out a tangled mess of cords again.
These also make a great gift item or giveaway. The custom zipper pulls let you put your logo right into the hands of your customers. Zipper earbuds are great for kids, teens, busy business men and women and of course everyone who doesn't have the time to waste trying to untangle their traditional earbuds.
These earbuds are normally close to $20 and I love them so much that I am excited to share an amazing deal on them for a limited time they are only $14.99 that's a steal, for these great earbuds. We know you won't be able to pass these up at this amazing price.
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Ear Buds[/caption]
The anti-tangle zipper feature really works and with the fully customizable zipper pull they will surly be a great conversation starter. They come in a variety of colors, my favorite being the glow in the dark so you can always find your earbuds even at night. If you are looking for an original idea don't miss out at your chance of getting your logo in to the hands of all your customers with this amazing product.