Just Do Good Campaign: adQuadrant

The Just Do Good campaign highlights businesses, student groups, and private enterprises for various #JustDoGood service acts. Groups are encouraged to submit their stories on our submission page (FOUND HERE), then we select from the stories that showcase people making this world a better place! This week, we’re sharing Courtney McCall's #JustDoGood submission. Courtney works in People Operations with adQuadrant. Keep reading to hear their story.
"adQuadrant is a data-driven, consumer marketing company fueled by our own ideas, technology, and outstanding team. We believe that in order to attract top talent and retain our awesome team members, we must have a well-rounded culture. Two facets of our culture are community service and living empathetically. Last June, adQuadrant participated in an event to raise money for Shatterproof. It is a non-profit organization to raise money to reduce the stigma of addiction. We raised over $2000 and had three team members rappel off a 16 story building to conquer their own fears. It was a wonderful event for a good cause.
Since the time adQuadrant was started three years ago, the team has participated in at least two community service events a year. Last year alone, the team Adopted-a-Family for the holidays, coordinated a beach clean-up and participated in the Shatterproof event."
unnamed-1Thank you to adQuadrant for incorporating service to other's in your work culture. Your #JustDoGood initiative surely makes a positive difference to those you assist. Keep it up!