Why You Need Borosilicate Glass Water Bottles, TODAY!
As professionals in the realm of promotional products (aka sweet company swag), we've seen it all. From bathrobes and mop toppers to sumo (yes sumo) stress balls. This means we've seen the rise and fall of many, many trendy "in the moment" products (*cough* fidget spinners *cough*) and made it our job to note which hot ticket items are truly timeless. Today we're excited to share one hot ticket item that most DEFINITELY falls into the timeless category. A true winner for brand promoting, an everyday essential, Summer must have:
the borosilicate glass water bottle!
We aren't here to bore you with the science of borosilicate (what its made of that makes it so great), rather we want to share why this product will stand out for recipients of your branded bottle.
Borosilicate glass is a thermal shock resistant product, which means it won't crack sitting through a record-breaking heat wave or icy winter storm. It is used in cookware, lighting, and scientific glassware, and has been proven to be one of the safest, most durable and sustainable forms of glassware (if scientists can safely use it, we can too!). Borosilicate is not as dense as traditional glass so if it gets broken (like chucked at a concrete wall at 80mph), borosilicate glass will NOT shatter because it was designed to crack in chunks, NOT shards.
Want to know more? Need to explain this to your boss or co-worker? Here's the Cliff Notes version of why you need borosilicate glass water bottles, TODAY!

- First impressions are EVERYTHING. And these bottles make a great first impression. The BPA-free silicone sleeves are available in multiple
colors, which creates a stylish barrier against the elements and a great backdrop for your logo displayed on the clear glass exposed at the top of the bottle.
- Let's face it, we all need to drink more water. With the green movement promoting re-usable water bottles, people can get their recommended 8 cups per day of H20 while being "eco-trendy" (which is even better than "eco-friendly").
- When people find a great product they use it, again and again, which means more visibility for your brand. These borosilicate glass bottles are easy to clean with screw-on, leak proof lids that are great for our on-the-go lifestyle.

Make a lasting impression with customizable and promotional borosilicate glass water bottles by getting a quote TODAY!