Gorilla Marketing Blog
Understanding Vector Art
Vector art is a specific technique, which uses curves, shapes, lines, and points to create a mathematical, computer-ready image. Made up of paths that lead to control points, vector graphics can be called a cleaner format to present artwork. While you may not be a 'graphics guru', as you do more to promote your brand or business with unique promotional items, you will get more familiar with how important artwork is in the promotional business. -
Can Screen Printed T-shirts Help Build Your Brand?
Advertising is not limited to investing in a multi-million dollar commercial, it could simply be a walking billboard. How about a nice screen printed t-shirt that displays your company's logo and contact information with vibrant colors that POP out to the Average Joe on the street? Gorilla Marketing can help by providing the best t-shirts selection and screen printing service.
Pink Promos for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is traditionally commemorated in October. Pink ribbons were first used to symbolize the breast cancer cause in 1991. Since then, pink - traditionally a feminine color associated with hope and positivity - has become the recognized hue for breast cancer awareness. We offer lots of great gifts for donors, and because they'll be used frequently, they're very effective at keeping the awareness message on people's minds.
Dude, Why's My T-Shirt More Expensive?
Everyone in our industry is sharing the same headache right now: rising, fluctuating t-shirt prices. Why is this happening? First of all, demand is up - way up. Second, supply is down. Unfavorable weather in the world's big cotton producers shrunk the harvests. Our advice? Take this as an opportunity to focus on what matters: ROI. -
Ten Ways to Take a Promo T-shirt to the Next Level
T-shirts printed with your logo, brand, image, or message are among the most popular items in the promotional products industry. Let us guide you to t-shirt success with these ten tips for taking your promotional tee to the next level. With these tips in your repertoire, we know you're ready to launch a graphic tee revolution.