Gorilla Marketing Blog
Tips to Beat the Heat for Your Summer Event
Don't let the heat ruin the highlight of the summer, there are many preventive ways to avoid serious consequences and keep guests safe during hot weather conditions. With these tips, you'll be able to keep your guests, and yourself, safe during your next summer event.
5 Beer Friendly Promo Products That'll Leave Your Brand Thirsty For MORE!
In the world of promotional products, International Beer Day is another perfect example of a social holiday that exudes endless promotional item ideas. With everything from bottle openers, coozies or coolers to even fancy pants products (you'll soon see) -- we know the possibilities are ENDLESS. So in honor of this worldwide holiday and the potential urge to celebrate year round, we present to you 5 Beer Friendly Promo Products That'll Leave Your Brand Thirsty For MORE!
What You Should Know About Chocolate Treats Products Before Ordering Them This Summer
If there's one promotional product that does NOT mix well with warm weather and sunshine, it's chocolate. Chocolate is hands down the most challenging promotional item your company can purchase during this season. If chocolate is in your marketing mix this summer, consider three important tips before ordering chocolate based products for your brand. -
5 Promo Items Your Brand Will WANT and NEED This Independence Day!
Fourth of July is upon us. This American Holiday is a holiday FULL of promotional marketing opportunity. People LOVE free stuff, but more then free stuff they LOVE free essentials. We took it one step further, we've rounded up what we believe to be Independence Day essentials that are a MUST HAVE.
10 Summer Promotional Items Your Brand Needs Now!
Truly excellent promotional products that will maximize exposure for your brand can and do get lost in the cyber-sea. So in the name of mighty marketing and awesome advertising we would like to present to you our carefully selected listicle of Top 10 Summer Promotional Items Your Brand Needs NOW! And by now we mean before June 21 ... aka the official first day of Summer!
Golf Season is Upon Us
Spring is in the air, and it's that exciting time of year, golf season! Golfers know that in addition to getting your best game ready, you will also want to make sure that you are well equipped with the proper tools before you get started. Let's take a look at some of the most important items on your golf season opener to do list. -
Why a Barbecue Represents the Best of Summer!
One of the best types of events for a big and highly enjoyable summer experience is throwing a summer barbecue. Barbecue accessories are sure to be used time and time again after the event and branded barbeque items will always remind the precipitant of the fun they has when they got them. If you are looking for great barbeque giveaway items for the perfect barbecue event, contact us for our top picks and newest items. -
Best Beach Giveaways
The most common beach items can be a successful promotional giveaway. Even if you don't live near the beach, these five beach items can be used for any outdoor fun for your customers.